Advice on investing from famous investors
If you are new to investing, you might be wondering where to start and what to do. We have compiled a list of recommendations from the most successful investors in the world to help your journey.
Read MoreProperty investment strategies
Real estate is one of the biggest industries in the world and it shouldn’t be a surprise that even one of the recent US presidents (Donald Trump) has been actively involved in this industry. If you are reading this post, chances are you are not a president of a country but you want to invest in real estate.
Read MoreCountries with the strongest and weakest currencies in 2022
The currencies of two neighboring countries in South America were the best and worst-performing currencies in the world in 2022.
Read MoreTop Countries for Real Estate Investment in 2023
Nowadays, real estate investors have the possibility to invest in thousands of properties globally but identifying the best investment opportunities can be a very challenging task. Here is a list of rental yields across the 20 largest economies in the world.
Read MoreWhere to Invest Your Money? Real Estate vs Fixed Deposit
Undoubtedly, fixed deposits and real estate are the most popular ways of investing in many countries. Deposits and properties are popular because they are secure and easy to understand.
Read MoreCountries with highest real deposit rates in 2023
Your local bank may offer you a high nominal interest rate but you should ask yourself if the interest rate that you are getting is really high.
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