How Is Rental Income Taxed Around The World? A Guide For Global Investors
The taxation of international investments in real estate is a complex topic given that every country has different laws and regulations. For instance, it is easy to find information about the tax rates and rules for foreign investors in some countries like the US but it can be very challenging to find reliable information for other countries like Saudi Arabia. That is why we decided to write a comprehensive review on tax rates on rental income across countries and share it with you.
Tax rates for non-residents by country (2023)
USA: 30%
France: 20-45%
The minimum tax rate for foreigners is 0% but one needs to prove that if the taxpayer had been resident in France, his/her taxation rate would have been less than 20%.
Canada: 25%
Brazil: 15%
Australia: 32.5-45%
The tax rate is progressive.
Mexico: 25%
Spain: 24%
Indonesia: 10%
Netherlands: 25.8%
South Africa: 18-45%
Singapore: 22%
Hong Kong: 15%
Bulgaria: 10%
In most countries, there are some restrictions on real estate ownership by foreigners. Therefore, you must also take into consideration not only the tax rates but also whether you meet the local requirements and can purchase a property in that country. The most common requirements are resident visa, EU citizenship or price of the property to be acquired above a certain threshold.
As you can see from the list, Bulgaria has one of the lowest rental income tax rates in the world which makes it a very attractive investment destination. Please, feel free to get in touch with us if you are interested in investing in real estate in Bulgaria.
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